"Today at conference something special happened. Our chief resident Burr Fong and the residency started a Go fund Me drive for our Program Coordinator, Betty Ubiera, to help support her battle with endometrial CA. They raised close to 14,000 all from donations from alumni and current MSMC residents and faculty. I am blown away by the outpouring of support from our Sinai Family! Betty has supported the training of over 100 EM physicians and has been the backbone of our program since its inception. Nice to see her contribution be recognized with such love and generosity."
~ Dr. Michael Dalley, Program Director
A message from Betty:
"I would like to thank each and every one of you for your thoughtfulness, generosity, benevolence, and love. 2017 has been a trying year. I am overwhelmed with emotion because this entire process has been one that has tested my strength, determination, and faith. Thanks be to God and his continued mercy. I have fought the good fight. I would like to share what my journey has been. On Feb 21, 2017 I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer. On March 22, I had surgery at Mercy Hospital (Sinai does not have Gyn Oncologists); where they performed a complete hysterectomy. Initially, they began with the DaVinci robot; then they had to do a traditional abdominal incision (C-Section type of incision). Once the pathology report came back they found that there was a miniscule colony of cells that had migrated to one of my fallopian tubes. This is the reason why it was classified a Type III and the reason why chemo therapy and radiation was recommended; to ensure any microscopic cells not picked up by pathology were eliminated. I was out of the office from Feb 20 until June 7. I began 6 rounds, each 5 hours/once every 3 weeks, of chemo; the 1st week of June and completed, the 6th round, on August 25. I was scheduled to start radiation the week Irma came to visit and had to postpone until the following week. The radiations were Monday – Friday for 5 weeks + 3 days (28 sessions). I completed those on October 30. I am feeling well and the radiation oncologist has discharged me from her care. I am continuing to be followed Medical Oncologist at Mount Sinai and my Gyn Oncologist at Mercy. I am so grateful that I appear to be in remission. But what I am most excited about, I never knew I was so vain, is that my hair is coming back and growing like weed.
Thank you again for your kindness and please continue your positive thoughts and prayers on my behalf.
BIG HUGS and Kisses to you all,
With love, Betty"